Sunday, May 31, 2009

85 days before - BEDBISGS

Hello, and welcome to Matt in TEXT FORM!

If you've followed a link from one of my YouTube channels, thanks for checking me out. If you just happened to stumble across the blog accidentally, I hope you'll stick around. I'll try my hardest not to scare you away.

So, when Maureen Johnson proposed her BEDA (Blog Every Day in April) idea, and bloggers and vloggers everywhere jumped onto the bandwagon, my first thought was "Oh, hell no. Are you kidding? Making a video blog every day for an entire month? It's a wonder I made it through NaNoWriMo last year!" (National Novel Writing Month) However, it has recently occurred to me--and by "recently" I mean, like . . . ten minutes ago--that while I would be hard pressed to keep up with thirty days of straight vlogging, I would probably not have quite as much trouble in keeping up with a text version of the project.

Now, at this point, you may be thinking, "Hang on a sec there, Matt . . . it just so happens that I went and checked your blogger account, and you're not exactly new to this site. In fact, you've had an account here since December of 2003, and you have, not one, but FIVE blogs to which you are a contributor . . . none of them, I might add, have been touched since 2006." And that is true enough. There was a time, back when I was a young and almost carefree college student, when I blogged all the time. But I some point, my interest in the blogs waned and I stopped contributing . . . which basically meant that the blogs went dead, as I was the only one really DOING any contributing for some of them.

It may have also occurred to you that I'm talking about blogging every day in April, and it's now the last day of May.

So, you may be asking how, exactly, I propose to participate now. At which point I would, first off, point out that I actually have proposed no such thing yet. But I am proposing it now. Actually, this idea was spawned by several people. The first, obviously, being Maureen Johnson, and all those who followed in her footsteps, including my YouTube subscriber crimsong19 (known IRL as Jason) who is going to be vlogging every day in June. But another YouTube subscriber, cafewisconsin (known IRL as Ashley) also helped coax this idea along. Ashley is graduating high school shortly, and wanted to count down her last days in high school by making a video every day until she graduates.

I'm going to be attending graduate school in the fall, and I thought I would spend the summer doing the same thing . . . but in text form. For the next 85 days, I'll write a blog post each day until classes begin. I'll post about whatever comes to mind that day. I can't promise that the posts will be long, coherent, or even any good . . . but I will write them.

So, if you care to follow me . . . I'll be here. The countdown begins today.
