Friday, February 19, 2010

Lent, Day 2 . . . and 3

Two days in, and I'm already failing at the blogging portion of this. Oh, well.

I did give to a charity yesterday, however. Yesterday's organization was Charity: Water, and organization I first heard about from my friend Nathan (Monday on my collab channel) and has been further plugged by my friend Karen Kavett. Charity: Water works to get clean drinking water to the alarming number of people in this world who don't have it. Clean water is one of those things that we tend to take for granted, but it's a luxury for a lot of people.

I haven't given money to today's charity yet, but I will as soon as I finish typing this blog. Today's charity is WorldVision, an organization focused on helping impoverished people throughout the world. One of their annual projects is called the 30-hour famine, which I am participating in this weekend, and which will be my specific donation for tomorrow. As I type this, I am eating lunch, and that's going to be my last meal until about 6:00 tomorrow evening. Millions of people often go thirty hours, or longer, without food. The 30-hour famine brings people together to raise money and awareness for world hunger. For thirty hours, we don't eat anything or drink anything other than water and the occasional juice. We don't think about just how often we eat during the day, until we're not allowed to.

Come to think of it, I just kind of plugged tomorrow's charity too, didn't I? Well, that should make up for missing yesterday.

Bye now!


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