Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lent, Day 4: Gleaning

Learned something new today.

There's a charity organization called the Society of St. Andrew's. What they do is they take all the potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, and many other grown products, that aren't "pretty" enough for the market, and would therefore get thrown away, and gives it to those who are hungry. This country throws away an alarming amount of food based simply on cosmetics. The food is perfectly good to eat, it just doesn't look good enough for the market.

This organization has a number of gleaning projects where they go to the fields and pick this excess food to give to the poor and hungry. More info on this organization can be found here. I'm telling you all this because I decided to donate twenty dollars to this organization, seeing as how I already donated a fair amount to WorldVision.

Incidentally, WorldVision sponsors a lot of projects. When you go to their website, it's almost overwhelming looking at all the things that need to be done. But yesterday I decided to donate twenty dollars toward art and music classes--because what kind of a music education major would I be if I didn't--and an additional twenty-five dollars to buy two chickens for a family. Just so you know.

That's all for now. See you Monday!


1 comment:

  1. WorldVision is a great charity - I had no idea they provided towards art and music classes, so that's cool :)

    I wonder if we have anything similar to the Society of St. Andrews over here - seems that throwing away food because it 'looks wrong' is a problem for most of the western world.

    Glad you got through your 30 foodless hours :)
