Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lent Day 7: Give a man a seed . . .

In general, I tend to be partial to charitable organizations that actively work to solve problems. Take world hunger, for instance. You can either give hungry people food, which will satisfy them for maybe a day, or you can help provide the means for them to feed themselves. So I was excited about today's charity, the Dinner Garden. This charity gives free seeds of many varieties, so that people can plant their own gardens and feed themselves. It's an idea that attempts to solve the problem of world hunger, not merely the symptom. While I see nothing wrong with giving food to the hungry, I also recognize that it isn't going to make Hunger (capital "H," notice) go away.

So, today I gave $20 to the Dinner Garden, which will go towards getting seeds to hungry people, who can use them to grow their gardens.

One week of Lent down . . .


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