Saturday, August 22, 2009

<3 days before - Yesterday

My tenuous internet connection (read: borrowed from friends who live a few apartments over) didn't feel like cooperating and letting me blog last night, and I didn't get to a free wi-fi area, so this is a little late. But I don't honestly have much to report. GradSTEP is done, I'm moved in, and now I'm just kinda waiting around.

I did get the stuff I need to direct bells at my church, yesterday . . . mainly information about where everything is, a copy of the music library inventory, a few books of music, that sort of thing. It's going to be an interesting experience directing a bell choir that actually, you know, plays more often than once a year. But I'm looking forward to it.

I get better internet today. I'll finally be able to catch up on YouTube videos. So, yay for that.

Bye for now!


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