Thursday, July 30, 2009

25 days before - The Hero

I'm gonna talk about Harry Potter again. Just to forewarn you. Oh, and there will be spoilers.

It's looking like this Hero's Journey analysis thing I've started is slightly more complicated than I originally thought. I've found that there are a number of different ways to apply it. I've been looking at the series as a whole, but that's not the only way I could look at it.

See the thing is, the whole process starts with a transforming moment: that is, the moment when the person realizes that his life as he knew it is about to completely change. Thing is, with Harry, that happens about four times: 1) when he learns that he's a wizard; 2) when Voldemort returns; 3) when he learns about the prophecy; and 4) when Dumbledore dies and Harry resolves to leave Hogwarts to find the Horcruxes. And the hero's journey could then proceed from any of those points, and could conceivably cover the entire series, the latter half of the series, the last two books, or just Deathly Hallows.

You see the dilemma.

But that's never stopped from ploughing on through before, right? So, here's what we're looking at for the first third of the hero's journey, analyzed all for ways. (Obviously, I'm still in the middle of book five, so the last couple are just my best guess.)

1. Call for adventure: see above.

2. Refusal of call: 1) Harry doubts his ability to be a wizard. 2) Not so much Harry's doubts here as those of the wizarding world, but Harry does spend a good chunk of time sulking in the months after Voldemort's return. 3) Harry has to adjust to the idea that he has to kill Voldemort, but it doesn't take long. 4) Harry returns to the Dursley's, because Dumbledore wanted him to.

3. Supernatural Aid: 1) Hogwarts itself, and Dumbledore. 2) Dumbledore's Army represents Harry finally doing something. 3) Dumbledore (surprise) giving Harry private lessons. 4) Dumbledore again, albeit retroactively.

4. Crossing the First Threshold: 1) Harry starting his adventures at Hogwarts. 2) Battle at the Ministry. 3) Going to the cave with Dumbledore and get the Horcrux. 4) Leaving the Dursley's for good and returning to the Wizarding world.

5. The Belly of the Whale: 1) Harry's first fight with Voldemort. 2) Learning the prophecy. 3) Dumbledore's death, and Harry's commitment to finding the Horcruxes. 4) The trio's escape from the wedding to being on the run.

So, yeah. This is becoming more fun by the day. (And no, that wasn't sarcasm, I actually mean it.)


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