Saturday, July 11, 2009

45 (except not really) days before - Books, revisited

Hey. I didn't post yesterday. That's because I became totally engrossed in the final chapters of The Last Olympian, which I finished close to two in the morning. It was incredible, by the way. If you've not picked up the series, you really should. Start with The Lightning Thief.

Kaitlyn asked how I can read so many books at once. I get this question a lot. Most sane people read one book at a time, but people like me (and my sister, for that matter) read three or four at once. Usually, I start several books and just read whichever one I'm in the mood for at any particular time, until one of them draws me in to the point where I can't put it down. (Much like The Last Olympian did last night.) And then once I've finished that one, I'll return to the others, until another one draws me in, and so on. People often ask me how I'm able to keep all the stories straight and not get them mixed up, and honestly . . . I really don't know. I just am.

Yay for books!


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