Sunday, July 19, 2009

36 days before - The Hero's Journey

I've begun my annual reading of the Harry Potter series. Last year, I looked at the series in a bit of a different way. I wanted to look at the parallels between the books in the series. The series is built like a triangle, with parallels existing between books 1 and 7, books 2 and 6, and books 3 and 5, with 4 being the turning point of the series. So to analyze these more closely, I read the books in the following order: 4 first, and then 3 and 5, 2 and 6, and 1 and 7. I reviewed the series in this way on vlogdriver.

Since this is on my favorites list, I'm doing another review, and I wanted to look at the series from another direction. So I'm comparing Harry's journey to the hero's journey, as outlined by Joseph Campbell. So far, from my quick reading of the steps and what I remember of the series, it seems to match up pretty well. But I'm going to see what this year's rereading of the series turns up.

If you'd like to join me in this fun little endeavor, a summery of the steps in the hero's journey can be found here.

I know. I'm a nerd.


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