Sunday, June 21, 2009

64 days before - When Dads get iPods

So, my father is almost certainly the most technologically behind of anyone in the family. I mean, I'm not going to go so far as to say that the REST of us are technologically saavy, but my dad (and, I would imagine, a large number of dads) has up until recently been dragged into the twenty-first century kicking and screaming.

The other day, I wrote about my mother joining YouTube, and how amusing that was. Well true as that may be, my mother has at least been on facebook for at least a year now. My dad just finally joined yesterday.

And today, for a Father's Day gift, my dad received something he said about a week ago that he wanted, to the collective shock of the entire family . . . an iPod.

Now to be fair, my brother, sister, and I only got iPods comparatively recently, and we don't have the fancy kind. Cassie and I both have a basic iPod nano with 4 gigs. Jeffrey's has 8 gigs, because he got his later and the 4 gig was no longer available. But evidently, Dad's seen the benefits of the technology and has decided to get one himself.

So now I've been helping him get his iTunes set up and all that. He's now uploading CDs. As diffident as my father is about technology, he does like his music. He was introduced to Pandora over Christmas and loves it. And now this. So, I guess that goes to show that there's always an open avenue somewhere.

Happy Father's Day.


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