Thursday, June 11, 2009

74 days before - Computer Stuff

So, exciting things have been happening in the world of Matt and his computer stuff!

Well, okay, maybe not that exciting, but it's what I'm going to write about today, so I thought I'd hype it up a bit.

The portable hard drive that I ordered a few days ago arrived today, so I've spent much of today setting it up for Time Machine and so on. Plus, I'm switching editing software from iMovie to Final Cut Express, which, other than not knowing how to get the sound to play during playback initially, is working quite well. I've already edited two videos on the program, and I'm slowly figuring the thing out. I'll probably expand on things that I like about it in a later blog post, but one thing I definitely like is the options available for text.

See, I've been fairly disappointed with text options on the editing software I've used since Windows Movie Maker. (Yes, I actually think Movie Maker does something better than Vegas.) Vegas' options were okay, but a little more limited, and iMovie's were just abominable. Final Cut comes with a separate program for text stuff called LiveType, which I'm still slowly figuring out, but which I'm fairly sure is one of the coolest things ever.

So, that's all, really. Hope you all are well.


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