Tuesday, June 9, 2009

76 days before - B2.0/Workout Playlist

So, I made an interesting discovery today.

A couple years ago, I put together a playlist of Brotherhood 2.0 songs . . . not songs that Hank wrote, but songs that somehow factored into their videos. The whole thing consisted of nine songs and was about half an hour long. I usually listen to it on car trips.

Today, I went running. I haven't been running for about a year. Normally, I ran without listening to music or anything, but today I decided to try running with the iPod. I put on the B2.0 playlist, and discovered that it actually works pretty well as a workout playlist.

TRACK 1: Brothers on a Hotel Bed, otherwise known as the B2.0 theme song. Nice and slow, for stretching.

TRACK 2: Thank You (For Not Being One of Them), Mr. T Experience, played during the "Put stuff on your head" project. Upbeat. Started running on this one. Song's about two minutes long.

TRACK 3: Why Does The Sun Shine?, TMBG, the slow children's song version, so I walked on this one.

TRACK 4: 500 Miles, The Proclaimers (who the Green Brothers evidently resemble), good for a slower run.

TRACK 5: White and Nerdy, Weird Al, doesn't really lend itself to running, so this is a walking one.

This is where I stopped running, but . . .

TRACK 6: Dance, Soterious Johnson, Dance, fast tempo.

TRACK 7: Tetris theme song, also fast.

TRACK 8: Theme song from something, slower.

TRACK 9: Love, Love, Love, the Mountain Goats, cool down song.

So there you go.


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